Monday, July 25, 2016

Stars and Sun, Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is a famous star gazing place because it is remote and shielded from light pollution.  Once the sun starts to set the stars are easy to find.  I took these three images last evening.  The first one at dusk and the other two about 10 PM local time.  I actually think the shutter was open just a bit too long on the last two images.  The bright ones look a tad over exposed.  I will try again tonight.

The area where all the hoodoo formations are found is called the Amphitheater in park speak.  Our cabin is 100 meters from the rim so finding a place to capture sunrise was not difficult.  I found about a dozen other hearty souls to greet the sun at 6:30 am local, which is not altogether an unreasonable time.

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